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Students of Abhimanyu House presented an assembly on Ajanta and Ellora caves

September 27, 2023

"Historical Monuments remind us of our shared past and inspire us to create a better future." On September 27, 2023, the students of Abhimanyu House at Sagar Public School, Rohit Nagar presented an assembly on one of the famous historical sites of India, Ajanta and Ellora caves, which are considered to be the finest examples of ancient rock cut caves. Through a small skit the students demonstrated that the main purpose of the caves was to celebrate the glory of Gautama Buddha's life and achievements. They also provided an important insight into the Buddhist life and belief system and the reflection of its values in art. The students understood that monuments remind us of our heritage. They are like a treasure for a nation and symbol of pride of their civilization. They help us to appreciate our past and the level of development, knowledge and thoughts of the yesteryears.