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Class II G presented an assembly on the occasion of 'Dussehra'

October 07, 2024

Dussehra, also known by the name Vijayadashmi is the culmination of the nine-days of Navaratri celebrations. It is a festival that marks the victory of good over evil. On 7th October 2024, at SPSRN, class 2G presented a special assembly on the occasion of Dussehra. Students enacted the key scenes from the Ramayana, focusing on the battle between Rama and Ravana and the message of truth and righteousness. They explained the importance of Dussehra in a few lines highlighting the victory of Lord Rama over Ravana and the symbolic destruction of evil, and on the significance of Dussehra and how it inspires us to defeat the evils within us, like anger, greed, and ego. The assembly concluded with a message of unity, love, and the importance of standing up for justice and truth, much like Lord Rama.