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Assembly was presented by the students of class VIII A on International Youth Day

August 11, 2023

CANNOT ALWAYS BUILD THE FUTURE FOR OUR YOUTH, BUT WE CAN BUILD OUR YOUTH FOR THE FUTURE. An informative assembly was presented by the students of class VIII A on 11 August 2023 where they shared the valuable information about International Youth Day 2023 whose theme this year is Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World. The students highlighted how YOUTH IS THE SILVER LINING BEHIND THE DARKEST CLOUDS and how important it is in the contemporary world for the youth to be aware as an important asset to the future. Through the skits presented by the students the importance of saving the natural world and leading a life with sustainable development was highlighted. The students further emphasised the need to strengthen the message that action is needed across all generations to achieve the sustainable development goals and leave no one behind.