'Ancient Greece' - an assembly by Dhruv House (VI-X)
November 20, 2024
Greece is the land of gods,legends, inventions and theatre.\r\nThe Dhruv House students of classes VI to X presented an informative and interesting assembly on how ancient Greece is remembered today for its contribution to the modern civilization. \r\nChildren quoted the efforts of Aristotle, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Epidaurus and Plato. The children mentioned about the ten main gods of Greek pantheon that reside on Mt Olympus.Greek is also known for herbs and medicines like Thyme, Oregano and Bay leaves.\r\nGreece is a peninsular country with the Aegean sea on the East and the Ionion sea in the West.\r\nPrincipal ma'am appreciated the efforts of the students and encouraged them to study Greek Thinkers and Theatre in more detail.